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Unpacking Storage Engines!

When it comes to storage, the very basic notion that occurs is a Database. A database, should store the data when given and read it back when asked. But wait, As a developer, Why should we care?                    We know the databases, SQL and popular NoSQL. And there is a vast number of different databases available out there. Every one of them is optimized for different types of workloads and are based on different storage engines. FYI storage engine is a software module that a database management system uses to create, read, update and delete data from a database. In order to tune the storage engines, you have got to understand the type of workload you are going to serve and what storage engine is doing under the hood.                      There are different storage engines. Ex. Log-structured storage engines, and page-oriented storage engines. Stuff to care for when it comes to Database                     The database often deals with concurrent reads/